Message from President Allred
March 2025
In the October 2024 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Elder Uchtdorf gave us this council: “If you’re seeking a more meaningful experience in church meetings and in the temple, try looking for the Savior in the sacred ordinances we receive there. Find the Lord in His holy house.”
I have often heard that if we are looking for red cars we will notice more red cars on the road. If we pay attention to what is around us with the expectation of seeing something, we normally find what we seek. The seeking is the key to finding, so if we want to find the Savior we must seek after Him.
What a wonderful promise by a prophet of God on how we can draw closer to our Heavenly Father and our Savior. I hope that we are all striving for more meaningful spiritual experiences. I know that if we look for the Savior, we will find Him, and what better place to look than in the temple?

President Grant Allred is the regional leader over 10 congregations (stake president). Along with his two counselors, they serve as lay leaders over the Farmington area.
Farmington Stake Presidency
August 2024
​​President Grant Allred (stake president) and his wife, Brittani, are parents of five children. Three of their children still live at home, while one is serving an LDS mission in Chile, and one has just finished her associates and is living in Farmington. At the time of his call to serve as stake president, President Allred had been serving as the bishop of 5th Ward (congregation). In his professional career, President Allred is the owner of a local car dealership.
President Jeffrey Nygren (first counselor) and his wife, Britney, are parents to four children, two of whom are still living at home, one who is living in Provo with her husband and one who just came home from his mission. President Nygren had been serving in the former stake presidency as first counselor under President Jonathan Hancock. In his professional career, President Nygren serves as a pharmacist.
President Joseph Hakes (second counselor) and his wife, Kaitlin, are parents to six children, ranging from ages 17 down to age 2. At the time he was asked to serve, President Hakes had been serving as bishop in the Foothills Ward (congregation). In his professional career, President Hakes serves as a general practitioner.